Trees to Seas EcoFair is quickly approaching!
The EcoFair webpage is live! Visit the page to learn more about the weekend of restoration, education, and environmental action Raincoast and our partners at the Pender Conservancy and PenderPOD have planned for you. Get your wristbands beginning on September 9!

The Trees to Seas EcoFair will take place from October 22 -23 and features events that will take place across Pender Islands. Highlights include an Eco-Expo at Pender Islands Community Hall featuring educational booths and Q&A’s from organizations doing environmental work across the Salish Sea region, a fungi foray at KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest, and Meadow Planting at S,DÁYES Flycatcher Forest.
The EcoFair is a fundraising initiative, all proceeds raised will go toward the permanent protection of KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest located near Razor Point on North Pender Island. To learn more visit our newly launched websites: or
Attendance at EcoFair will require a wristband reservation. Wristbands will be available through EventBrite beginning on September 9, 2022 and until the day before EcoFair, October 21, 2022.
To keep the event accessible, wristbands will be free with an option to make a donation at the time of reservation. However, some EcoFair events require pre-registration and/or payment. Members of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations are invited to attend all events free of charge. Starting in mid-September, attendees can pick up their wristbands at the Pender Islands Conservancy Nature Centre at Hope Bay.
Those coming from off island can pick up their wristband at the Nature Centre any time during EcoFair weekend or at the Pender Islands Community Hall during the EcoExpo (Saturday, October 22 from 9AM to 3PM).