Author: Nicholas Sinclair

A bike on a dock with the ocean behind it. The sky is bright blue.

Naked Bicycles

In the land of Naked Bicycles, there’s a straggler amongst the crowd. Upgrades to my Straggler have me enjoying these sunny days. Nothing clears the mind better, and allows for some opportunities to problem solve while getting some exercise. Thanks …

A green boat lifted over a blue tarp with white writing on the side saying "Achiever." A masculine person stands on a ladder beside the boat painting.

At the shipyard

2018 shipyard aboard Raincoast Conservation research vessel “Achiever” is complete! With coats of primer and paint applied, a few new ball valves, a shinned up prop and few other upgrades, Achiever is back in the water. A big thanks to …

A green boat lifted over a blue tarp with white writing on the side saying "Achiever."

Ship Shape

Raincoast Conservation research vessel “Achiever” going through its annual maintenance period. Hauled out at Stones Marina and thank you Nanaimo Yacht Charters for paint and Transport Canada inspection. 

A row of painted yellow chains hang over wooden frame with blue tarp and paint cans underneath.
A green boat lifted over a blue tarp with white writing on the side saying "Achiever."
A black speed dial with a digital screen near the bottom reading '10,000'

Reaching 10,000 hours

10,000 hours and going strong! Raincoast Conservation Research vessel Achiever hitting a milestone this fall from her tireless efforts of conservation science, youth engagement, media, and funder trips. Seems fitting to hit the milestone during a stormy fall day.…

A Pacific Yachting magazine with a cover photo of mist rising on the ocean and a green sailboat (Achiever) in the distance.

Haunted Vessels

She made the cover! Raincoast Conservation research vessel Achiever on the cover of this months Pacific Yachting. She is not a haunted ship of the Graveyard of the Pacific but does continue to ply coastal waters for Raincoast’s continuous efforts …

A hawk takes off from a tree and soars against a blue sky.

Hawk sighting

Osprey departs from its perch to search for food. While taking a break from the rolling seas aboard Raincoast Conservation research vessel Achiever we watched this beautiful hawk soaring on steady wing beats searching the small bay for fish.…

A massive grizzly bear standing on a grassy overhang with evergreens behind him.

Grizzly on his perch

A large male grizzly propped up to have a look at its curious onlookers. Raincoast Conservation research vessel Achiever was exploring the Great Bear Rainforest this spring to find these beautiful animals. With this big guy around, all the other animals …