
ĆELÁṈEN TŦE ṮEṮÁĆES Inspiring Truth, Justice and Reconcili-Action Video Launch and Celebration

With your help, we’re halfway there!

Job opportunity: Coastal Carnivore and Carbon Project Intern
Salary and details
Job Type: Contract
Anticipated hours: 35 hours per week for 13 weeks.
Salary range: $23.55/hour.
Location: Remote but located in the Lower Mainland, Gulf Islands, or Vancouver Island, BC.
Anticipated start date: April 1 2023 (negotiable).
Double your impact, safeguard biodiversity, get a tax receipt
This giving season, we are so happy to offer you two opportunities to double the impact of your donation!
All donations to both the Southern Great Bear Rainforest tenure acquisition and our KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest initiative, will be matched …

Job opportunity: NoiseTracker Assistant Coordinator

Swimming along: Talking about Raincoast’s Wild Salmon Program

Trees to Seas EcoFair is quickly approaching!
The Trees to Seas EcoFair will take place from October 22 -23 and features events that will take place across Pender Islands. Highlights include an Eco-Expo at Pender Islands Community Hall featuring educational booths and Q&A’s from organizations doing environmental …

Employment opportunity: Salmon Ecologist

Save the date: Fall EcoFair on S,DÁYES (Pender Island)

Tsawwassen First Nation Summer Stewardship Program Assistant

En cette journée des océans, rappelons-nous de l’importance de l’action contre les changements climatiques

Join our restoration event

Les géants de la mer: les grandes baleines

Policy and Communications Analyst intern
Raincoast Conservation Foundation is seeking a summer student to assist in social policy research, communications, and website development. The position is suited to someone who has an interest in conservation and communications, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion policies. …

Raincoast/Tsawwassen First Nation Stewardship Program Lead

Conservation Governance and Policy Intern

Land Protection Intern

Gulf Islands Forest Project Intern

Peter Ross parle du jour de la Terre, passé et présent, sur Radio-Canada

Employment opportunity: Quantitative Fisheries Ecologist (permanent full-time position)

Join the Pender Islands Conservancy and Raincoast Conservation Foundation for a public engagement session on land protection and ecological resilience on Pender Islands 
Last year, the Conservancy and Raincoast purchased the 13-acre S,DÁYES Flycatcher Forest off Sailor Road. We are seeking public input to inform the management and restoration plan for this property as a first step in developing the stewardship ethos that …

Help us protect biodiversity and build resilience on islands in the Salish Sea
Together with Pender Islands Conservancy, Raincoast is raising $2.18 million to purchase a 45 acre coastal property on the edge of the Salish Sea. Since launching this campaign in late December 2021, we have raised $170,000, bringing us to …