Encountering beauty

Encountering more Great Bear Rainforest beauty on our trip on Raincoast conservation research vessel Achiever.
#centralcoast #Kitasoo/Xaixais #spiritbearresearchfoundation #explorebc #achiever #greatbearrainforest
Encountering more Great Bear Rainforest beauty on our trip on Raincoast conservation research vessel Achiever.
#centralcoast #Kitasoo/Xaixais #spiritbearresearchfoundation #explorebc #achiever #greatbearrainforest
We have a lot of love for our supporters. As we work towards ending commercial trophy hunting throughout the entire Great Bear Rainforest…
Found this lady munching sedge at the intertidal in Kitasoo/ Xai’xais territory.
We are approaching the home stretch of ending commercial trophy hunting in the 5,300 km2 Kitlope hunting tenure.
Two generous donors have confirmed that they will match half of the remaining funds, for our last $100,000.
Provisioning up with #littlered loaded to the gunwales Raincoast Conservation research vessel Achiever getting ready to set out for a two week cetacean survey.
So fun to watch a couple of humpbacks lunge-feeding off Nalau Island…