Fraser River
The Fraser is one of the world’s great rivers. Historically it produced more salmon than any other place in North America. Its delta is one of the Pacific Coast’s largest and most important estuaries. It is the rearing and feeding grounds for over 50 species of fish, many of which play a crucial role in a foodweb that links fish, birds and marine mammals across thousands of kilometers of the Pacific Ocean.

Cutthroat trout found during Fraser River connectivity project

New species found (for us) in Fraser River Estuary research
We caught a new fish. This is our sixth season in the Fraser Estuary and the first time in over a year we have caught a new species.
Guesses from others include: Pacific staghorn sculpin, Coastrange sculpin, and Shorthead sculpin.…

Chinook salmon reliance on the Fraser Estuary

Reconnecting Fraser Estuary salmon habitat

Seven years in the Lower Fraser

Year five in the Fraser River Estuary

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 and the heart of the Fraser Estuary

Stop Terminal 2 expansion

A Conservation Prospectus for the Fraser River Estuary
Research published today in Conservation Science and Practice indicates that 102 species at risk of extinction in the Fraser River estuary can be saved with an investment of $381 million over 25 years, or $15 million a year. This cost …

Hundreds of thousands of birds at risk

Read our report on Lower Fraser river

Take action to stop Terminal 2 and protect Fraser estuary habitat for International Bird Week

Crucial time for wild salmon

Fraser Estuary Connectivity Project makes substantial difference to salmon

Help build momentum on pressure to reject Terminal 2 expansion

Significant negative effects of proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2

The Narwhal article outlines reasons for Fraser river salmon decline

Heart of the Fraser River estuary threatened

Protecting the Stó:lō

Take action to protect Fraser river estuary

Port of Vancouver proposed expansion threatens Fraser Estuary habitat

Reject Terminal 2 expansion