Beautiful December Salish Sea day

Beautiful December Salish Sea day in the Gulf Islands hiking with the Raincoast dog on Pender Island.
#adventurecompanion #notankers #raincoastdog #penderisland #gulfislands #salishsea
Beautiful December Salish Sea day in the Gulf Islands hiking with the Raincoast dog on Pender Island.
#adventurecompanion #notankers #raincoastdog #penderisland #gulfislands #salishsea
Sailing by amazing pictographs.
Class is in session! Raincoast vessel Achiever is a floating classroom exploring the Salish Sea with conservation leaders of tomorrow.
The Raincoast table at Oceans Day on Mayne Island on Saturday.
Another by-the-wind-sailor jellyfish, aka Vellela velella, this one on beautiful West Beach of Calvert Island. Have you seen Velella this summer? Where?
Which is your favourite? From Spirit bears and grizzlies to cougars and killer whales 2018 has been a year of many conservation wins for Raincoast and our partners up and…
Raincoast’s approach to recovering Southern Resident killer whales stands on two primary tenets. First is to hold the line: to keep critical habitat in the Salish Sea from becoming further degraded. The second tenet is to reduce the immediate threats undermining their survival; lack of food, noise and disturbance from vessels, and pollutants that accumulate in their food.