Art Light to dark 2019-10-202020-01-21 Light or dark? I’ve been dabbling in making fish prints out of salmon carcasses. Salmon migrate...
On the coast Squamish Valley 2019-10-132020-01-21 I give a lot of thanks for being able to visit places as beautiful as this. For a rare glimpse of an elk stag...
Art Art out of the end of a life cycle 2019-09-212020-01-21 Creating some art out of the end of a life cycle.
Outdoor life Crisp clear skies 2018-08-142020-01-21 Missing these clear crisp skies right now. Wanting to escape a smoky city...
Outdoor life Pedaling Little Janky 2017-07-162019-12-16 Pedaling Little Janky never looked so good. I feel like a lucky ducky to call this place home.