Our Notes From The Field series
Our Notes From The Field series brings you to the places and species we work to protect. Check our site for the full version and free sign-up.
“It’s fall in BC’s Great Bear Rainforest. I’m standing in an estuary surrounded by grizzly bears, and all the life that the salmon migration brings… We quickly find our place within the social hierarchy circulating around us, lone sub-adults, sub-adult siblings, mothers with cubs and solitary adult males; each keenly alert to the other. Posture and the occasional direct glance form part of a complex body language that allows for a sharing of food resources at a time of relative abundance. By nature and necessity, these bears are tolerant. It’s easy to empathise with the cubs at play, a mother’s care and caution, and the mock fighting of siblings.”
Photo by Ross Dixon (@wulfnbearhugger).
#greatbearrainforest #britishcolumbia #wildlife #grizzly #salmon