Beach clean-up with Surfrider Vancouver Island

We’re stoked to be hosting a beach clean-up with @surfridervi.

August 24
Lekwungen Territory/Victoria – Ross Bay

As Raincoast Director of Science, Dr. Chris Darimont noted during the Groundswell film screenings with @Patagonia, surfers are likely the closest human approximation to marine mammals and are there for good advocates for the coast we share.

@surfrider’s mission is the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. Our mission is to protect the land waters and wildlife of coastal British Columbia. We’re glad that they align.

So if you’re frothing for a beach clean up check out our event.

Photos by @jeremykoreski.

A surfer rips off the top of a wave in the Great Bear Rainforest.
Photo by Jeremy Koreski.
Surfer jumps from Achiever into the water.
Photo by Jeremy Koreski.

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