Crew return in the zodiac

Our Raincoast Conservation crew in the zodiac going back to Achiever after spending the day in a beautiful Great Bear rainforest watershed.
#raincoastscience #explorebc #grizzly #achiever
Our Raincoast Conservation crew in the zodiac going back to Achiever after spending the day in a beautiful Great Bear rainforest watershed.
#raincoastscience #explorebc #grizzly #achiever
Coastal wolves separated from their inland cousins thrive with the rich biodiversity that the ocean produces. Traveling throughout the Great Bear Rainforest aboard Raincoast Conservation research vessel Achiever I never…
Eagle feasting on spawning Heiltsuk herring, with a no-kill spawn-on-kelp harvest occurring mere meters away.
Our One Shot for Coastal Carnivores photography exhibit opens today at the Karen Cooper gallery on Granville Island. The exhibit will support our efforts with Coastal First Nations to permanently end…
Come and join us this summer. We’re hiring for a summer placement to support our work to map…
A wolf on Wuikinuxv Territory…
On Oct 28th, 2020, we were successful in raising funds to stop trophy hunting in the Kitlope.