BC government spends $2 million on wolf cull
The Narwhal published an article looking into the rationale (or lack thereof) of the BC government spending $2 million on killing wolves.
This past winter, the B.C. government spent almost $2 million to kill 463 wolves in the habitat of 10 endangered caribou herds, according to an email from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development.
That’s an average $4,300 per wolf. [Paul] Paquet [senior biologist at Raincoast Conservation] says wolves have a profound influence on the ecosystems in which they live, including on a variety of other species.
Removing them from the landscape could be damaging to the diversity and productivity of the environment. “That’s not been considered,” he says about the wolf cull.
Sarah Cox / The Narwhal
See below for the work Raincoast is doing to protect wolves.