Tracking Raincoast into 2021.
We have always been committed to wildlife welfare ethics. This year we published our first Photography Ethics Policy to guide our acquisition and use of photography. We believe that a photographer or videographer should consider these ethics when capturing media and embody them at the core of their work. It is sent to all the photographers who contribute images to our work.
Thank you to the following photographers whose work appears in the print edition of Tracking Raincoast into 2021.
April Bencze: Page 10 (Kyle Artelle, Howard Humchitt and Ilona Mihalik)
Yuri Choufour: Page 7 (report cover), 20–21 (Fraser River Estuary)
Chris Darimont: Page 11 (Chester Lone Wolf Starr)
Callum Gunn: Page 8 (Cecil Paul)
Alex Harris: Page 1 (Chris Genovali, Misty MacDuffee, Atticus), 8-9 (Dave Scott, Paige Roper), 14 (Kitlope), 16–17 (Aleena Lano, Achiever), 19 (Pender Island inset), 19 (Shauna Doll), 22 (Achiever)
Jim Lawrence: Page iv (grizzly bear)
Fernando Lessa: Page 5 (Lower Mainland), 6 (salmon), 7 (salmon fry)
Florent Nicolas: Back cover (Spirit bear)
Jason Puddifoot: Page 4 (Western Sandpiper), 4 (Fraser Estuary inset)
Miles Ritter: Page ii–iii (killer whale), 2–3 (killer whale)
Mike O. Snyder: Page 7 (report artwork), 25 (sunset)
Michelle Valberg: Page 13 (coastal wolf)
Carrielynn Victor: Page 6, 7 (report artwork)
Steve Woods: Cover photo (coastal wolf)
Learn more about Raincoast’s photography ethics here.