On the Sturgeon Bank

Eco warrior Kyle Armstrong cleaning up the Sturgeon Bank wildlife management area one piece at a time.
Photo by Dave Scott.
Photo by Dave Scott.
@mr.quayle @dave.scott.bc #SturgeonBank
Eco warrior Kyle Armstrong cleaning up the Sturgeon Bank wildlife management area one piece at a time.
Photo by Dave Scott.
@mr.quayle @dave.scott.bc #SturgeonBank
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, our research and restoration efforts in the Fraser River Estuary continued through 2020.
Boom! Check me out on the Bass Coast workshop schedule for this year! So stoked!! If you’re there on Thursday please come check out my workshop about the salmon and nature…
Caught our first juvenile salmon of the season this weekend! We found dozens of these little chum salmon fry in the North Arm of the Lower Fraser River yesterday, the…
Went on a bit of a safari on our way home this afternoon!
In November we finished the second phase of construction for our Fraser Estuary Connectivity Project. The aim of the project is to provide juvenile salmon…
Just a few hundred meters from where we captured Chinook (see second photo) a tug boat is raised after sinking in the Fraser with thousands of litres of fuel onboard,…