Fantastic collection of wildlife photography on display this Sunday in North Vancouver

As part of BC Bear Day (this Sunday in North Vancouver) you can view a fantastic collection of wildlife photography that will, of course, include BC Bears.
The event is hosted in the stunning heritage status Pipe shop, in North Vancouver’s Shipyard district. The family day is free to attend (11am-4pm) and the ticketed evening event will feature a presentation from, Doug Neasloss Stewardship Director for the Kitasoo /Xai’xais Nation and lead guide for Spirit Bear Adventures. A panel will also discuss how we can progress towards co-existence with BC Bears.
We hope to see you there with our event partners, Capilano University and the North Shore Black Bear Society, and all our community partners.
@ancientforestalliance @bluewateradventuresbc @capilanou @bearviewingbc @cpawsbc @earnesticecream @furbearers @grizzlybearfdn @northshoreblackbearsociety @patagoniavancouver @pacificsalmonfoundation @watershedwatchbc @capilanou @northshoreblackbearsociety
Art by Ian Harland (@ianharlandphoto), April Bencze (@aprilbencze), Di (@art_by_di), Christina Mittermeier (@cristinamittermeier), Eric Sambol (@eric_sambol_photography) & Brad Hill.