Malnourished grizzly bears likely not related to climate change, says op-ed by Raincoast

Much of the news coverage associated with the aforementioned situation has been linked to climate change, but this particular salmon-run collapse is likely the result of a suite of influences, not the least of which is the failure to protect wild salmon in B.C. from fishing pressure, habitat degradation, hatchery impacts, fish farms and more.

Raincoast’s Chris Genovali, Misty MacDuffee and Paul C. Paquet wrote an op-ed about the recent images of malnourished grizzly bears on B.C.’s coast and the media linking it to climate change – which we think is not the case.

Read an excerpt, or the full article.

“The stark images of malnourished grizzly bears on the coast of British Columbia have garnered widespread media attention. The photographs are difficult to view and strike a chord of deep concern in most people.

Raincoast has long advocated for a wildlife welfare ethic when it comes to the conservation and management of large carnivores. This approach becomes even more compelling when the life requisites, in this case wild salmon, of species such as coastal grizzlies are diminished as a result of human activities.

Much of the news coverage associated with the aforementioned situation has been linked to climate change, but this particular salmon-run collapse is likely the result of a suite of influences, not the least of which is the failure to protect wild salmon in B.C. from fishing pressure, habitat degradation, hatchery impacts, fish farms and more.”

Chris Genovali, Misty MacDuffee & Paul C. Paquet

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