A decade of fighting for Southern Resident killer whales
For over a decade, we’ve been using science, public education and the courts to protect Southern Resident killer whales.
Learn more. Sign up for our free conservation updates.
For over a decade, we’ve been using science, public education and the courts to protect Southern Resident killer whales.
Learn more. Sign up for our free conservation updates.
As 2020 closes and we reflect on the year, please accept our thanks and gratitude for your support, in whatever form it takes.
We stand “United against Enbridge”.
The Southern Resident Killer Whales are the world’s most studied group of orcas. Once abundant throughout the waters of the Pacific Northwest, the Southern Residents are now one of the most imperilled killer whale populations…
Meanwhile in Bella Bella we’re getting more than 100mm of rain and more orcas.
Orcas near Bella Bella today.
To assist you with the survey, we have drafted suggested answers to the questions. Please add anything else you see fit. The survey is 23 questions and will take less…