Gulf Islands Forest Project

Using North and South Pender Islands as an initial case study, Raincoast will identify pathways to better conserve and protect CDF forests of the Islands and design a transferable template to benefit the other 11 major Islands.

We launched the Gulf Islands Forest Project to characterize forest health, identify measures to protect forest habitat and promote ecosystem resilience at a time of rapid climate change.

By most standards, the Coastal Douglas Fir biogeoclimactic (CDF) zone is the most threatened and endangered ecosystem type in the country. With the added threats of climate change, significant ecosystem imbalances- such as the functional loss of top predators leading to unchecked deer population in the southern Gulf Islands, and little operational policy aimed at encouraging forest conservation on privately owned land, protecting the CDF is a challenge.

Using North and South Pender Islands as an initial case study, Raincoast will identify pathways to better conserve and protect CDF forests of the Islands and design a transferable template to benefit the other 11 major Islands.

You can read more below about the Gulf Islands Forest Project.

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