Fraser Estuary Connectivity Project Phase II complete
Solutions exist to help restore wild salmon populations and their habitat.

In November we finished the second phase of construction for our Fraser Estuary Connectivity Project.
The aim of the project is to provide juvenile salmon access to marsh habitat on Robert’s Bank, by creating breaches (holes) in the Steveston Jetty.
During our first round of construction, in March this year, we made three breaches and sampled throughout the Spring. On our first day of sampling we proved the project a success: salmon were moving through the breach.
In this second round of construction, in late November, we deepened one of the breaches to provide salmon further access to the marsh at lower tides. We also added raw materials to make sure the holes in the jetty last.
Solutions exist to help restore wild salmon populations and their habitat.
Learn more here.
Photo by Alex Harris.
Photo by Alex Harris. Photo by Alex Harris. Photo by Alex Harris.
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