Fraser Connectivity Project: Steveston Jetty

We are excitedly moving towards construction of 3 breaches of the Steveston Jetty to restore natural outmigration pathways for juvenile salmon which provide access to critical brackish marsh habitats!!
We are excitedly moving towards construction of 3 breaches of the Steveston Jetty to restore natural outmigration pathways for juvenile salmon which provide access to critical brackish marsh habitats!!
Just a few hundred meters from where we captured Chinook (see second photo) a tug boat is raised after sinking in the Fraser with thousands of litres of fuel onboard,…
Happy BC Day from Raincoast Conservation – a beautiful morning looking out at Haro Strait and Turn Pt. Protect the Salish Sea.
Tomorrow I head back to the Fraser Estuary with Raincoast Conservation to document the second phase of our habitat connectivity project…
The Narwhal released an article this week entitled ‘Four reasons 2020 is set to see the lowest Fraser River sockeye salmon return on record’ written by Stephanie Wood.
Had some visitors drop in on us in Heiltsuk territory today. Boat-heli tag-teaming Raincoast science in the Great Bear rainforest.
2020 has seen record low returns of sockeye to the Fraser River.