Part 1 of ‘wild salmon surrounds us’ S1 E5

In part 1 of this 2 part salmon lesson, viewers learn about salmon as the foundation species of BC, some of its major threats, and how Raincoast is researching and restoring the Lower Fraser River estuary to promote the return of healthy salmon populations to the system.

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Ryder Wise is a grade 12 student from Lake Cowichan Secondary school. He came on as a Salish Sea Emerging Stewart participant in our 2019 season and has now joined the Raincoast team as a Junior Leader to help inspire others.

Dave Scott is Raincoast’s Research and Restoration Coordinator for the Lower Fraser Salmon conservation program. He is also a pHD student in the Ecology and Conservation Lab at UBC.

Live lesson: May 27, 2020 @ 1pm PST

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