Lower Fraser River

Raincoast in the Watersheds 2020 forum

Part 1 of ‘wild salmon surrounds us’ S1 E5

BC becomes first jurisdiction in Canada to pass UNDRIP bill

Raincoast seeks session abstracts for Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference

Toward a vision for Ecological Resilience in the Lower Fraser River
Along with the Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance, Raincoast is chairing a traditional session at the upcoming Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference April 19-22, 2020 Vancouver Convention Centre Vancouver BC. The session, Toward a vision for Ecological Resilience in the Lower Fraser …

The Fraser River and its estuary is one of the most productive salmon watersheds in the world…

80 stream type Chinook like this beauty…
Today was amazing! Caught more than 80 stream type Chinook like this beauty, first time ever catching these in large numbers!! Usually we catch ocean-type Chinook only a few months old but these stream type Chinook rear in freshwater for …

Chinook salmon, the largest of the Pacific salmon species…

Fraser estuary team working hard! #fykenet
Fraser estuary team working hard! #fykenet…

30th Salish Sea Ecosystem conference in Seattle
This week Raincoast scientists will be presenting our research at the 30th Salish Sea Ecosystem conference in Seattle.
We be presenting on Southern Resident killer whale recovery, the impacts of oil spills and marine mammals and salmon research and conservation …

The invisible migration is underway

2017 draws to a close