Cutthroat trout found during Fraser River connectivity project
David Scott finds a rare ocean-going ecotype - a cutthroat trout way out on the North Arm jetty this afternoon during his fieldwork for the Fraser River connectivity project.
David Scott finds a rare ocean-going ecotype - a cutthroat trout way out on the North Arm jetty this afternoon during his fieldwork for the Fraser River connectivity project.
Yesterday’s field crew had great success in the Fraser Estuary. We caught 901 juvenile salmon (Chinook and chum). We also collected thirty genetic samples from juvenile Chinook…
Earlier this year we began the first phase of our five-year restoration project in the Fraser Estuary making breaches in the Steveston Jetty to allow young salmon access to Sturgeon…
The Fraser River remains the most productive salmon river on the Pacific coast. From the estuary and through to the rivers headwaters many people have dedicated…
The Heart of the Fraser. The vital stretch of the river between Mission and Hope, less than two hours drive from Vancouver, provides prime spawning habitat for salmon…
“Often when my friends describe what I do for my research as a biologist it’s along the lines of, ‘something to do with salmon and bald eagles’. If you’ve ever wondered what I do…”
The proposed Terminal 2 expansion will further destroy and degrade wildlife habitat in the Fraser River Estuary, an area that is home to more than 100 species of wildlife at-risk of extinction.