Fraser river

New species found (for us) in Fraser River Estuary research
We caught a new fish. This is our sixth season in the Fraser Estuary and the first time in over a year we have caught a new species.
Guesses from others include: Pacific staghorn sculpin, Coastrange sculpin, and Shorthead sculpin.…

First webinar episode on the Fraser River Estuary!

Next Coastal Insights episode: Salmon as a keystone species

World Wetland Day event, Tuesday February 2
Dave Scott will present at the World Wetland Day event on Februrary 2nd about salmon and the importance of estuaries to their survival. This event is hosted by Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society.
Read more about Friends of Semiahmoo …

Chinook salmon reliance on the Fraser Estuary

Invest in Pacific wild salmon

The problem with hatcheries and hopes for wild salmon

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 and the heart of the Fraser Estuary

A Conservation Prospectus for the Fraser River Estuary
Research published today in Conservation Science and Practice indicates that 102 species at risk of extinction in the Fraser River estuary can be saved with an investment of $381 million over 25 years, or $15 million a year. This cost …

Safeguard the Southern Resident killer whales

Support investments in nature and biodiversity

Stop Terminal 2 expansion

Stop Terminal 2 expansion threatening resident orcas

Misty MacDuffee contributes essay to new book Spirits of the Coast

Raincoast’s online education program upcoming on urban salmon

Report just released: Toward a Vision for Salmon Habitat in the Lower Fraser River

Port of Vancouver expansion set to destroy estuary habitat

Southern Residents and recovery
In 2019, we saw the most significant threat reduction measures the Canadian government has taken to date to support recovery of Southern Resident killer whales. Through coordinated legal, scientific, and public outreach strategies, and government negotiations, Raincoast and our …

Fraser Estuary Connectivity Project Phase II complete

Riley Finn: The importance of the Lower Fraser River to salmon populations
Next week Riley Finn, Raincoast Research Associate and University of BC MSc student in the Conservation Decisions Lab, will be giving a @wildresearch Seminar Series Talk.
He will discuss the importance of the lower Fraser River to salmon populations, …

Early Sockeye
Sockeye fry in the estuary in August? We caught this little beauty in the estuary this morning, the first time we have ever captured a juvenile sockeye rearing in the estuary this late in the season!!
While most sockeye remain …

Fraser Connectivity Update
Fraser Connectivity Project monitoring continues at our jetty breach locations yesterday! The west breach is looking great with a nice channel developing onto the foreshore, transporting freshwater, fine sediment and fish into the estuary instead of out to sea!